Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Beautiful screen saver and images from the desktop

You have long wanted to make their own photographic wallpaper with a favorite actor or actress or simply ponravivsheysya photograph, but do not know how? Then this article is for you. In it, I tell you about the programs and tools are needed to create high-quality screen saver, as well as open you some design secrets of the right songs.

But first, let me introduce, as unnamed teacher without «clan tribe» - this is the worst that could invent a school ;-) call me Alex generals and I am a fan of the copyright yarym photo and photo-oboynogo site Private photo wallpapers, where more than half of photographic material are original works of your humble servant.

Let's start our first lesson on the roll of photographic art. To work you need the program (always try to find a «fresh» software) Adobe Photoshop and ACD Systems. You take photos like you, open the program Adobe Photoshop. Select your desired piece of photo and copy it into a new document. Permission to new photo-saver, I would be advised to choose at least 1076 * 768.

Now some tips to design your wallpaper. The most simple and common wallpaper and photos on your desktop - is large photos of celebrities on the left or right on a dark background. It is such a screen saver, I would advise you to do to start. Once you learn how to do simple wallpaper - go for more sophisticated photo-wallpaper on your desktop. And here are some tips to help you make a memorable and quality wallpaper: • if possible, choose uniform substrate. Do not forget that you are doing in the first place it on your desktop wallpaper, which should not «get» Your eyes; • try to bring a certain zest or nuance into each of your savers. As a rule, do not need to think specifically, all is already in the photo-prototype; • Try to choose nestatichnye photos, as photos in motion is always beautiful, and «dynamic» photo wallpaper on your desktop obtained much better; • Do not forget to specify the name of the actor referred to the saver, as well as its author's name or address of your photo site.

wrote by benedict on

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